Movement Classes

Targeted Movement Classes for Maximum Effectiveness

Movement classes at Our Family Health are specifically designed to help you address your health and fitness challenges. Led by a certified physical therapist, our classes and evaluations meet you where you are. Whether you are trying to level-up your fitness and skills or you need to learn how to safely and effectively incorporate more physical activity into your daily life, our classes are designed to help you make measurable progress on your wellness journey.


Bone Health Class

Strengthen your bones through targeted exercises designed to improve bone health, balance, and increase strength. Suitable for all fitness levels, this class focuses on safe, effective techniques to enhance bone density and increase muscle mass.

You can join at any time, but enrollment is limited to 8 students.

Class Schedule
Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00-10:00 AM

First Class: 9/10/2024

Register For Class

Prevent Fractures and Reduce the Need For Medication

Get the greatest benefit by attending both classes every week.

Purchase a convenient MultiPack and save compared to the price of individual classes.

  • Single Class:                            $15
  • 4-Class MultiPack:                   $52
  • 8-Class MultiPack:                   $89
Improve Muscle Mass While You Lose Weight

Weight Loss Class

This class offers full body workouts designed to burn calories and boost metabolism while maintaining/building muscle mass that can often be lost with rapid weight loss. This class is safe for all fitness levels and can be modified for any preexisting conditions. This class is focused on sustainable, long-term functional wellness.

Join at any time, but enrollment is limited to 12 students.

Class Schedule
Tuesday 8:00-9:00 AM
Thursday 12:00-1:00 PM

First Class: 9/10/2024

Single Class $15
4-Class MultiPack $56
8-Class MultiPack $96
Register for Class

Also Offering Expert Evaluations

Improve the effectiveness of your wellness journey by getting a clear picture of your current strengths and opportunities.

Comprehensive 4S Movement Evaluation

60 Minute Session

Gain a better understanding of your overall fitness through our 4S Evaluation. We measure your strength, stamina, stretching, and stability to help you determine how to focus your fitness routine for maximum effectiveness. Performed by a licensed physical therapist, each evaluation includes:

  • DEXA Body Composition Analysis Scan
  • VO2 Max Stamina Assessment
  • Strength, stability, and stretch evaluations
  • Exercise recommendations

4S Movement Evaluation Benefits

  • Receive an easy-to-understand assessment based on data.
  • Gain clear direction to improve your physical health.
  • Obtain precise visceral fat measurement to assess cardio-metabolic risk.

Student Athlete Evaluation

60 Minute Session

Take Your Game to the Next Level

Peak performance is the goal of the serious student athlete today, and reaching those heights requires working smarter along side working harder.

Our Family Health combines the best tools available with the expertise of a licensed physical therapist to assess your current state for strength, stamina, stretching and stability to help you target the areas and skills that will help you achieve the greatest gains. Every assessment includes:

  • DEXA Body Composition Analysis Scan
  • VO2 Max Stamina Assessment
  • Strength, stability, and stretch evaluations
  • Exercise recommendations

Student Athlete Evaluation Benefits

  • Receive an easy-to-understand assessment based on data.
  • Gain clear direction to improve your athletic performance.
  • Obtain a precise understanding of how strong and flexible your muscles are.