type 2 diabetes
09 Oct 2023

Understanding Type 2 Diabetes: Prevention and Management

In our latest episode of “Between White Coats” we are discussing type 2 diabetes. Do you know what your blood sugar levels are? Are you aware of the potential signs of pre-diabetes? Diabetes is a common and potentially life-altering condition that affects millions of people worldwide. This blog post provides an overview of the various aspects of diabetes, from normal sugar levels to prevention and management strategies.

What Are Normal Blood Sugar Levels?

It is important to understand what normal blood sugar levels are. Typically, fasting blood sugar levels in the range of 70 to 126 mg/dL are considered normal. If your numbers start inching toward the higher end of this range, it might be time to take notice.

Recognizing the Signs of Pre-diabetes

Many individuals live with pre-diabetes without even realizing it. Pre-diabetes is a crucial stage to address because it’s an opportunity for prevention. As your fasting blood sugar levels reach the 90s and low 100s, it’s essential to have a conversation with your healthcare provider about lifestyle changes, especially your diet. There are several other common signs that can be predictive of a possible type 2 diabetes diagnosis. These can include: fatigue, decreased ability to fight infections, frequent urination, increased urination at night, increased thirst, and blurry vision.

Understanding the Role of Insulin Resistance

Insulin resistance is a term that often comes up when discussing diabetes. It’s a key factor in the development of the condition. Imagine insulin as a key that unlocks your cells to let sugar in. In cases of insulin resistance, the cells don’t respond as they should, requiring more insulin to get the job done. This leads to increased strain on the pancreas and can eventually result in diabetes.

The Hemoglobin A1C Test

The Hemoglobin A1C test is a crucial tool for monitoring your blood sugar levels over time. It provides a picture of your average blood sugar levels over the past three months. This A1C test can be done as often as every 90 days. A normal A1C result is typically below 5.5%, while a result between 5.6% and 6.4% suggests pre-diabetes. Once your A1C reaches 6.5% or higher, you can be determined to be diagnosed with diabetes. 

Why You Should Care About Diabetes

The consequences of uncontrolled diabetes can be severe. It can lead to complications such as diabetic retinopathy (which can cause blindness), kidney disease, and an increased risk of heart attacks. Managing your blood sugar levels through lifestyle changes, medication, and regular check-ups can significantly reduce these risks. If you are in the Monroe, GA area please contact us to schedule an annual check-up.

Take Charge of Your Health

The key takeaway is that understanding your blood sugar levels and recognizing the signs of pre-diabetes can be life-changing. If you have a family history of diabetes and/or are overweight, it’s essential to monitor your health closely and have regular check-ups.

Making lifestyle changes, such as adjusting your diet and increasing physical activity, can have a profound impact on diabetes prevention and management. Remember, even if you’re diagnosed with diabetes, it’s not the end of the road. With proper care and attention, you can lead a healthy, fulfilling life.

With our new Wellness Center, we will be providing resources to support the prevention and management of type 2 diabetes. 

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