Preventative Health Screenings

Preventing Long-Term Health Challenges

The best way to treat illness is to prevent it entirely. During wellness visits, our providers take a combined approach of adhering to medical screening guidelines and providing preventative education. Screening alongside lifestyle decisions that focus on nutrition, sleep, stress management, and movement can help to prevent or aid in the management of chronic conditions. Our education extends beyond a visit through our podcast, newsletter, and social media accounts that focus on providing actionable and easy-to-implement information about nutrition, stress management, sleep, and movement.

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OFH Medical Center Caregiver

Our Approach to Prevention

Individualized Approach to Screening

Our Family Health seeks to ensure that you receive the appropriate medical screenings based upon your age, race, individual health history, family history, and gender. It’s important for you to recognize that the type of screening that you need will change as you age and that being informed about your family history when possible will help you to manage your own health. Our providers will carefully consider all of these factors alongside medical guidelines to provide you with screening recommendations. Adhering to your medical provider’s recommendations on screening for high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, and cancer is a critical component to managing your long-term health. We offer various cancer screenings based upon your age and gender.

Stay Up-to-Date on Immunizations

During your annual wellness visit, your provider will recommend the immunizations that you need based upon your age, medical history, and gender. Our providers are committed to providing evidence-based immunization recommendations tailored to the unique needs of each patient. We offer on-site immunization for adults and children. Consider listening to our podcast episode on Preventative Health at Every Age to learn more about the immunizations that you should consider based upon your age and gender.

On-Site Screening and Diagnostic Tests

We are grateful for the opportunity to provide you with care and we are aware that working with one medical office whenever possible saves you time. Our onsite lab makes it easier for you to receive any necessary bloodwork screenings recommended by your medical provider. We also offer onsite women’s health screenings such as pap smears and Mammograms. We also offer Ultrasound Services at our office in Monroe.

Prioritize Annual Wellness Visits

We encourage you to get into the habit of scheduling and prioritizing your annual wellness visit. Annual wellness visits are typically paid in full by insurance. Your insurance provider can address any questions you have regarding the degree of coverage for screenings.

Make Your Health a Top Priority

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