high cholesterol
26 Feb 2024

Demystifying High Cholesterol: Understanding the Silent Threat to Your Heart

In this blog post, we provide information on the impact elevated cholesterol (hyperlipidemia) has on your well-being, and why it deserves your attention. This expands upon our recent podcast episode where we had a conversation discussing Hyperlipidemia (high blood pressure). Additionally, we’ll explore how our services can complement traditional approaches to managing high cholesterol.

Understanding the Silent Threat

Hyperlipidemia, or high cholesterol, is a medical condition that often lurks silently in the background, gradually posing a significant threat to heart health. While it may not be a topic everyone is passionate about, its implications are monumental. In the United States, heart disease stands as the leading cause of mortality and morbidity, making high cholesterol a matter we cannot afford to ignore.

The Grease in Your Pipes Analogy

Let’s visualize cholesterol as the accumulation of grease in your kitchen drain. Initially, a few drops of grease may not seem problematic, much like slightly elevated cholesterol levels. However, over time, this grease builds up on the lining of your blood vessels, akin to the gradual clogging of pipes. Until a complete blockage occurs, you may not feel any symptoms, making high cholesterol a silent and potentially deadly threat.

The Consequences of Cholesterol Buildup

The consequences of untreated high cholesterol are severe and diverse. A cholesterol buildup in blood vessels can lead to conditions such as strokes, heart attacks, peripheral artery disease, kidney artery stenosis, and more. The insidious nature of high cholesterol lies in the fact that, until a catastrophic event like a heart attack or stroke occurs, individuals may feel entirely normal.

Deciphering Cholesterol Types

Understanding cholesterol can be perplexing, with different types requiring attention. The typical cholesterol panel comprises total cholesterol, HDL (good cholesterol), LDL (bad cholesterol), and triglycerides. While HDL is considered cardioprotective, the focus often shifts to keeping LDL levels low, particularly below 100 for optimal heart health.

The Importance of Regular Cholesterol Monitoring

Regular monitoring through fasting lipid panels during annual check-ups provides valuable insights into cholesterol levels. This proactive approach helps healthcare professionals gauge whether individuals are at the beginning or advanced stages of cholesterol-related issues.

The Role of Lifestyle Changes

While dietary modifications, such as reducing fat intake and increasing exercise, play a role in managing cholesterol, genetics also play a part. Lifestyle changes may not always be sufficient, making medications like statins a crucial intervention in addition to lifestyle modifications.

How Our Services Can Help

In addition to conventional approaches, we offer innovative wellness services to support your journey to healthier cholesterol levels:

Infrared Sauna Therapy: Regular infrared sauna use has been shown to help lower and improve lipid levels. This is accomplished through vasodilation, improved circulation, and detoxification through sweating.

Cryotherapy: Cryotherapy, combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise, has been shown to help lower total and LDL lipid levels (bad cholesterol), while simultaneously improving HDL (good cholesterol) levels.

IV/IM Vitamin Support: Our IV hydration menu includes offerings such as Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Vitamin B3, which have been shown to support healthy cholesterol levels.

*Our wellness center services are not offered in place of medical guidance or medical treatment of high cholesterol. Click here to schedule a visit with a medical provider and learn more about our comprehensive offerings to support your heart health. 


In conclusion, high cholesterol is a silent yet formidable threat that demands our attention. Regular cholesterol monitoring, lifestyle modifications, and, when necessary, use of medications like statins can significantly reduce the risk of heart-related complications. Understanding the gravity of high cholesterol and taking proactive steps can pave the way for a healthier and heart-conscious future. Remember, knowing your cholesterol numbers is not just a medical recommendation; it’s a commitment to safeguarding your heart’s well-being. Explore our services as valuable allies in your journey towards optimal heart health.

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