23 Oct 2023

Navigating the Healthcare Maze: Understanding Our Broken System

In a world where information is at our fingertips, it’s easy to find guidance on managing various health issues. But what about understanding and navigating the complexities of the healthcare system itself? In our recent podcast episode, Dr. Plaster and Nurse Practitioner Amber delve into a topic that’s been a growing concern – our country’s broken healthcare system. It’s a topic that often goes unnoticed, even though it plays a significant role in our overall well-being. In this blog post, we discuss the intricacies of our healthcare system, addressing the challenges patients and providers face daily.

The Understaffed Healthcare System

Our healthcare system is in the midst of a severe staffing crisis. With a shortage of 124,000 physicians projected in the next ten years and a staggering need for 1.2 million nurses by 2030, it’s clear that we’re underprepared for the healthcare demands of our aging population. The shortage not only affects patients’ access to care but also the quality of care they receive.

Imagine waiting six months for a crucial specialist appointment or having to drive hours to see a primary care physician who accepts Medicare. These scenarios are not only stressful for patients but can be life-threatening. It’s essential to recognize the magnitude of this crisis and take steps to address it, whether by increasing medical school enrollments, creating more funded residency spots, or opening up additional nursing school opportunities.

The Role of Insurance Companies

Insurance companies play a pivotal role in our healthcare system, but sometimes it feels like they dictate care more than healthcare providers. The profit-focused nature of insurance companies can lead to unnecessary delays and denials in essential care. Patients and providers must jump through hoops to get the necessary treatments approved. It’s a system where cost containment sometimes overshadows patient well-being.

One common hurdle is prior authorizations for procedures, tests, or medications. These authorizations often entail bureaucratic red tape and can delay crucial care. In some instances, these delays have resulted in severe health consequences or even death.

The Value of Primary Care

One solution to mitigating the healthcare system’s shortcomings is to emphasize the importance of primary care. In an environment where specialists often dominate the healthcare landscape, primary care is often overlooked. A strong primary care relationship with a trusted healthcare provider can make a significant difference.

Primary care physicians can serve as the first point of contact, guide patients through the system, and advocate for their health. They help patients avoid unnecessary visits to urgent care or emergency rooms and ensure comprehensive, coordinated care. With our new Wellness Center opening, we’ll be expanding our same day sick appointments and opening an urgent care in an effort to help our patients avoid the ER and to receive care by the same team that you trust.

Communication is Key

Fragmentation in healthcare is another issue that needs addressing. Good communication between healthcare providers can significantly impact patient care, but this is not always the case. Many specialists work in silos, making it challenging to get a complete picture of a patient’s health.

In some cases, healthcare providers and primary care physicians might not be able to communicate directly with specialists or other facilities due to complex privacy regulations. This lack of communication can lead to duplicated tests, delays in care, and, ultimately, higher costs.

Taking Control of Your Healthcare

What can you, as a patient, do to navigate the complexities of our healthcare system? Start by finding a primary care physician you trust, someone with whom you have a good rapport. This relationship can make a significant difference in your healthcare journey.

Understand your insurance coverage, as well as its limitations and requirements. Be prepared to ask questions and advocate for yourself. While it’s a challenging system, there are resources and strategies that can help you get the care you need. We provide resources to understand important health insurance terms as well as how to read your bill on our Insurance Information page.


Our healthcare system has flaws, but we can work towards making improvements. Our opening of a Wellness Center in November is a big step that we are taking in order to change the healthcare system. Recognizing the issues, advocating for change, and taking control of your own healthcare journey are crucial steps.

In a world where healthcare is vital to our well-being, understanding the system’s complexities is equally important. By shedding light on these issues, we hope to empower patients and providers to navigate the healthcare maze more effectively, creating a healthier, more efficient system for everyone.

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